Introducing ep_push2delete


Sometimes, when you really care about disk space, or when your pad contents are extremely confidential or private, you might want to simply delete your whole pad, since people could still access your sensible content via the timeslider. And if there’s a need, there’s also a plugin.

ep_push2delete allows you to press one simple button and delete your pad. With all its contents and all its history of changes. Nice and clean. Without a trace.

Grab ep_push2delete from your /admin/plugins page.

Like collaborative editing? You might like collaborative drawing!

EtherDraw is a collaborative drawing / painting / sketching tool brought for you by some of the Etherpad team.

Try it out now

You can enable integration with Etherpad by installing the ep_draw plugin

Grab it by doing:

git clone
cd draw

Introducing collaborative presentations

Thanks to our good friends at Mozilla, WikiMedia Foundation and Primary Technology we are proud to announce really-real time collaborative Slideshow presentations powered by Etherpad!


John McLear demonstrates a beta version at Mozilla earlier this year.

Have a go with Slideshows yourself.

Get the slideshow plugin for Etherpad by installing Etherpad and visiting http://yourEtherpadURL/admin/plugins

Visit the slideshow plugin repository on Github to begin contributing!

Get Etherpad now, it’s super easy to install, free and open source!

North America 2013 Meetup Videos of Talks / Presentations

Intro and etherpad-lite status from John McLear

Etherpad-Lite and MediaWiki from Mark Holmquist

Mozilla etherpad and teampad work by Rob Helmer

Transforming Text by David Greenspan

Sketchpad by Ari Bader-Natal

New things in node.js 0.10 by Isaac Z. Schlueter

How Openwatch uses Etherpad-Lite by Rich Jones

Ethersheet by Cooper Quentin and Ted Young

Sharejs by Joseph Gentle

Etherpad-lite history by Peter ‘Pita’ Martischka

New release: 1.2.10 Infradoom

Infradoom is a patch release to support broken session logic caused by an express update. Infradoom also has various other nice bits, bug fixes and patches.

From the changelog:
NEW: Broadcast slider is exposed in timeslider so plugins can interact with it
Fix: IE issue where pads wouldn’t load due to missing console from i18n
Fix: console issue in collab client would error on cross domain embeds in IE
Fix: Only Restart Etherpad once plugin is installed
Fix: Only redraw lines that exist after drag and drop
Fix: Pasting into ordered list
Fix: Import browser detection
Fix: 2 Part Locale Specs
Fix: Remove language string from chat element
Fix: Make Saved revision Star fade back out on non Top frames
Other: Remove some cruft legacy JS from old Etherpad
Other: Express 3.1.2 breaks sessions, set Express to 3.1.0


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