Moodle, say hello to Etherpad

Today we’re pleased to announce a Moodle module that makes collaborative writing inside of Moodle a doddle. Real time editing inside of Moodle brings even more functionality to the worlds most popular Educationally focused Learning Platform. If you want to try it out before you install you can use our sandbox Etherpad deployment at …

Etherpad at the London Ajax User Group

On Tuesday, May 8, 2012, 6:00 PM at The Skills Matter eXchange Peter M from the Etherpad Foundation on Etherpad Lite This is a must see event and only the second time Peter (The original author of Etherpad Lite) has given a public presentation about Etherpad Lite so attendees will be treated to some behind …

Etherpad Hackathon 2012 update

So we’re half way through our hackathon and we have some updates.. We have decided to drop the Etherpad Legacy nameand allow Etherpad Lite adopt the name of Etherpad, we are still working on getting the same features into Lite that were in Legacy so until then this is just an agreement. The plugin framework …

2012 Etherpad road map

Our road map is designed to give users, developers and site admins the ability to see where the Etherpad Community is going with Etherpad and what areas we need help with. Replace Etherpad (“legacy”) completely with Etherpad Lite. Write some User Documentation. Complete a Plugin Framework. * Create a group Management Plugin. * Create a …