Etherelves wish you a merry Xmas and an API new year – Version 1.2.2 release

Yay, another release and yay for Christmas and New year..  1.2.2 features: More translations and better language support (50+ languages now available) Control S now does “Save Revision” functionality (Puts a little star in the timeslider) Native HTTPS support (No need for https on the reverse proxy) Allow for basic HTML etc. import without abiword (Abiword still …

Say ¡Hola!, Bonjour, Hello to Etherpad 1.2

Language Support We now provide really easy to implement language support(i18n) thanks to Mozilla and Marcel for doing most of the heavy lifting. We support English, German and French out of the box but adding your own language is super easy so get stuck in! The repository has moved We’re all grown up now and …

Critical Security Update

Yesterday we discovered a bug that allowed malformed URLs to crash Etherpad Lite. We published a patch yesterday to develop and released 1.1.3 today for general consumption. Please note these bugs have existed in Etherpad Lite since we adopted the express framework so it is important you update today. Please “git pull” or head over …

Say hello to Etherpad v1.1.2

V1.1.2 is a significant move forward towards making Etherpad easier to implement into your service. The communities focus has been on improving usability, documentation, hooks (where your code runs) and other bits that makes your job as a developer less stressful giving you more time to enjoy petting your unicorn. What’s new? More Hooks Extended …

Plugin Spotlight: Help bubbles

Do you have users that are new to Etherpad and want to show them how to use the interface? Install the aptly named “Help Bubbles” plugin and enjoy simple pop ups enlightening you. How to install this plugin Visit and login with your username/password then search for the plugin “help_bubbles”. Plugin Author: John McLear …

From your CLI to Etherpad

Today we’re shining our spotlight on some great work by Simon Maddox that sends your CLI output (STDOUT) to a pad in real time. Great for debugging or tracking installation procedures. The project is named Etherpad stream and it can be installed with: npm install -g etherpad-stream And used by following the very simple usage …

Say Hello to Etherpad Lite V1.1.1

Oh you haven’t heard about us already Etherpad Lite is a collaborative editor, sort of like a web-based multiplayer Notepad but with some really amazing features and a really developer friendly community and framework. Etherpad Lite is completely open-source and comes with no douchery what so ever attached.. If you scroll to the bottom of …


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