Moodle, say hello to Etherpad

Today we’re pleased to announce a Moodle module that makes collaborative writing inside of Moodle a doddle. Real time editing inside of Moodle brings even more functionality to the worlds most popular Educationally focused Learning Platform. If you want to try it out before you install you can use our sandbox Etherpad deployment at

If you require any assistance deploying Etherpad Lite or help installing new plugins or features then please get in touch.

PrimaryPad offers a hosted Etherpad Lite instance too that can be leveraged so you don’t need to host your own, this service comes with an uptime guarantee and SLA that should provide your school with the piece of mind and simplicity of deployment.

Get the module now

Watch a video guide for how to get started.

We want to send a huge thanks out to Chris K from Dearborn Public Schools for leading on this project and also @spnova who lead the development.

Further reading ODT PDF DOC

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  1. This is really very good news. Thank you so much for both Etherpad and now the Moodle integration. With the difficulties of collaboration online Etherpad paved a new route through to a real solution for a common problem. Now, by integrating it into a LMS it’s taking away those hurdles which may have prevented people from using it. Lowering the threshold for people to adopt such technologies sometimes makes something successful.

    I look forward to getting this into our Moodle instance and reporting back.

  2. Thank you very much for the plug-in. I would like to test the integration between Etherpad and Moodle, but I find confusing the first part of the video: it is said that you are going to need your IPI key (or something like that, it is very difficult to follow the American accent for a non-native speaker) which is found in your Etherpad server.

    What server is it?

    Can you please let me know where is the information about how to create an Etherpad server?
    I use IIS7 for my Moodle site and I have downloaded and followed the instructions to install Etherpad in Windows. I have done it in my laptop, but when I run : http://localhost:9001/, Firefox cannot establish a connection with server at localhost.

    Any tutorial about this process would be much appreciated

    Mari Cruz GarcĂ­a

  3. education_right,
    I think you will want to use the IP address of your local computer instead of http://localhost/ . The API key is a text file that is located in the root directory when you install etherpad called API.TXT.

    If you do not know how to install Etherpad or cannot host it yourself, you can contact PrimaryPad to have it hosted for you. They will give you an API Key.

    Installation is best on Ubuntu or linux

  4. Many thanks for the plugin – this looks like something we could definitely put to good use. Unfortunately, we’re struggling to make Etherpad show up in Moodle. We have Etherpad running and can access it via the server’s domain:9001 and have successfully installed and configured the plugin within Moodle. However, when creating a new Etherpad in a course the page then only displays the introduction text for the activity, not the Etherpad itself. When creating the new activity within Moodle, the following line is ouputted on the Etherpad server:

    200, POST /api/1/createPad

    But after that, nothing. Is there any way I can debug this further. Many thanks for any help you can offer.

      1. Hi Chris. Many thanks for your reply and kind offer; I’ll drop you a mail later today with more details. Thanks again.

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