Etherelves wish you a merry Xmas and an API new year – Version 1.2.2 release

Yay, another release and yay for Christmas and New year..  1.2.2 features:

  1. More translations and better language support (50+ languages now available)
  2. Control S now does “Save Revision” functionality (Puts a little star in the timeslider)
  3. Native HTTPS support (No need for https on the reverse proxy)
  4. Allow for basic HTML etc. import without abiword (Abiword still required for .doc etc.)
  5. Show color of Author in Chat messages
  6. Bugfix for Internal Caching issue that was causing some 404s on images.
  7. Bugfix for IE Import
  8. Bugfix for Node 0.6 compatibility
  9. Bugfix for multiple cookie support
  10. Bugfix for API when requireAuth is enabled.
  11. Plugin page now shows plugin version #
  12. Allow plugin search by description
  13. Allow for different socket IO transports
  14. Add a checkToken Method to the API
  15. Allow for custom favicon path
  16. Focus on password when required
  17. Frontend Timeslider test

Thanks to everyone involved for providing fixes and new features.


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