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Say hello to Etherpad 1.4 – Etherpad team blog

Say hello to Etherpad 1.4

Today we’re proud to announce Etherpad 1.4. Let’s be honest here, there are no killer features in this release however this release does contain LOTS of bug-fixes and security patches. All of the killer features exist as Plugins, once you upgrade Etherpad we suggest you check out the available plugins because some really great ones exist.

Why should I upgrade?

  • Various server and client stability patches
  • Various security patches
  • Various new hooks and methods (to support the plugins we talked about earlier)
  • Internal stats and metrics
  • Improved Docs
  • Moar

Anything special worth noting?

The introduction of a more modular toolbar means you might want to upgrade your settings.json, adding the new toolbar objects. To do this simply copy the toolbar objects from the settings.json.template, this is optional though and not required.

Why so long?

We have been crazy busy. We have hundreds of organizations that now run Etherpad and our team has mostly been focusing on integrating with their platforms and resolving their issues. Thankfully those companies have allowed us to commit back to the open source project both to core and as plugins, also John got busy with a new startup.

How do I upgrade

git pull && /etc/init.d/etherpad restart

Show me the money!

Grab Etherpad 1.4 now

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